May 4, 2023
A Bentley logo on the hood of a vehicle

Image via Pixabay.

The braking mechanisms in your Bentley are more sophisticated than those of almost all other vehicles. This is primarily because Bentley vehicles have two calipers on each brake instead of one. The extra stopping power generated makes you far safer on the roads. But the complexity of these highly advanced brakes requires the attention of a specialist Bentley dealer for brake repair.

Does Your Bentley Need a Brake Repair?

Leaking Brake Fluid

One of the most dangerous brake-related problems a car can have is leaking brake fluid. Brake fluid maintains high hydraulic pressure within the brake hoses that allows your foot’s pressure on the pedal to stop a two-ton car. 

If brake fluid ever leaks out, then the stopping power on at least one of your brakes will be greatly reduced. While driving, you might notice a strange sponginess to your brake pedal, and your car will slow down with less alacrity than usual. 

Flush Brake Fluid Often at Your Bentley Dealer

Brake fluid can also lose its effectiveness with age. So it’s important to have your fluid flushed at least every 30,000 miles, or every two years. And if you tend to use your brakes more than the average driver, consider having your brake fluid refreshed even more often than this. 

Overheating Brakes

If you frequently drive your Bentley along mountainous roads with lots of downhill stretches, then your brakes might occasionally become overworked. When used continuously for long periods, even the best of brakes can start to overheat, potentially reaching a startling 400 or 500 degrees Fahrenheit. 

When overheating, brake pads and rotor discs can lose a little of the friction between them. This phenomenon occurs because minuscule amounts of gas escape the melting resin in brake pads, creating a thin layer of gas that reduces the traction. The solution is usually to stop driving and allow the brakes to cool down again, but if the problem ever persists, a technician should take a look. 

Damaged Rotor Discs

When overheating, even Bentley’s highly durable carbon ceramic rotor discs might become warped out of shape or scored by the brake pads. Melting brake pad resin can even coat the rotor, leaving a bumpy surface as it hardens. 

If any such damage happens, you’ll feel the resulting vibrations through your brake pedal or steering wheel. A technician might be able to rescue a rotor disc by smoothing away the surface. But if the rotor is too thin from age or too badly damaged, you’ll need a new rotor. 

Worn-Down Brake Pads

Brake pads are the parts of any braking mechanism that require replacing most often. Whenever you use your brake pedal, the pads clamp onto the rotors and lose a little more of their upper surface layer each time. 

When any of your brake pads wear down too thin, a sliver of metal will be uncovered which creates a loud squealing sound. This noise is your warning that it’s time for a new brake pad. 

Visit Carlock Bentley today to have your brakes inspected and repaired by technicians who specialize in Bentley vehicles. We prioritize customer service and if any car problem prevents you from driving to us, we can come to you to collect and repair your car.